Car boot sales in Oxfordshire

Here are the results for your search for Oxfordshire outdoor or indoor car boot sales. Please browse the list below or use the Quick Search box to search again and you can use the filter box to help refine your search. Alternatively, you may return to our main Find A Car Boot page by clicking here.

If you are a Car Boot Operator, get your Car Boot Sale listed above everyone here for more details

Wheatley Afternoon Car Boot - Oxford

Held:  Sunday
Seller time:  12:00
Buyer time:  13:00
From/To:  Jun/Sep
Frequency:  Regular
Seller fee:  5
Entry fee:  0.50



Witney Ducklington Showground - Witney

Held:  Sunday
Seller time:  09:29
Buyer time:  10:29
From/To:  Mar/Nov
Frequency:  Weekly
Seller fee:  10
Entry fee:  1



5 of 5 pages
Total sales listed: 22